martes, 10 de mayo de 2011

If you ever feel lonely and wonder to yourself...
what is the meaning of life ?
think about the world we all live in there are billions out there,
some are good peolple, some are bad.
But there is only one out there, which  is perfect for you.
sentence of life is to find the person
to fight for, to love with and be there for.
you just gotta find him first, and then you will understand.

lunes, 9 de mayo de 2011

I wonder if he stays up untin 2 a.m thinking about me. I wonder if when he hears a certain song he thinks about me. I wonder if he thinks about things to say to me ever morning. I wonder if when he feels sad he thinks about my smile. I wonder if when sees me he thinks Wow she´s so beautiful. I wonder if he thinks about me before he goes to sleep. I wonder if songs lyrics remind him of me. I wonder if he looks at me when I´m not  looking at him.

Probably Not. 

viernes, 6 de mayo de 2011

Traté de que la razón no me diera explicación, para no derramar lágrimas en tu honor.

jueves, 5 de mayo de 2011

Lost your pen = no pen
No pen = no notes
No notes = no study
No study = Fail
Fail = no diploma
No diploma = no work
No work = no money
No money = no food
No food = skinny
Skinny = ugly 
Ugly = no love 
No love = no marriage
No marriage = no children 
No children = alone
Alone = depression
Depression = sickness
Sickness = Death
Lesson: Don´t lose your pen. You will die.

miércoles, 4 de mayo de 2011

-You´re not scared of the dark.
you´re scared of  what´s in it.

-You´re not afraid of heights.
you´re afraid of pain of falling.

-You´re not afraid of people around you.
you´re just afraid of rejection.

-You´re not afraid to love.
you´re just afraid of not begin loved back.

- and you´re not afraid to try again 
you´re just afraid of getting hurt for the same reason.

viernes, 29 de abril de 2011

The funny thing is, nobody ever really knows how much anybody else is hurting. We could be standing next to somebody who is completely broken and we wouldn´t even know it.

Por dios digan que ya es viernes porque hoy sino moría que semana de mierda empezando por que :

  • Lunes: me levante a las siete de la mañana  para estudiar y el muy forro de historia no me tomo.
  • Martes: tenia una lapicera en el bolsillo del pantalon se exploto y manche absolutamente todo.
  • Miércoles: rompí la manija del lavaropa ( lose cada día me vuelvo mas inteligente).
  • Jueves: .... ( el jueves no me mande ninguna cagada).
  • Viernes: Geniaaa ropi la puerta del baño.

Yo se que esta nota no tiene sentido, pero tenia que escribir todas las pelotudeces que me mande en algun lado xd.